Das DRI unterstützt den Vorschlag von "Democracy without Borders" einen UN Special Rapporteur on Democracy zu ernennen, um die globale Demokratie und das Bewusstsein der Menschheit für globale Partizipation zu stärken.
Aus der Begründung:
Global reports on the state of democracy and human rights indicate that democracy is threatened and authoritarianism is on the rise. Civic space and freedoms are fiercely and increasingly restricted in many countries. In addition, democratic backsliding or a decline in the quality of democracy is occurring in newer as well as long-established democracies across all regions. In this situation, the United Nations needs to do more to strengthen human rights and democracy.
The undersigned organizations and individuals thus call for the creation of a new mandate by the UN’s Human Rights Council: a UN Special Rapporteur on Democracy (UNRoD).
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