UN Summit for the Future

Anläßlich des UN Summit for the Future, 20-23 September 2024: das DRI unterstützt die "We The Peoples Campaign" im Kontext des "Pact for the Future".


The biggest challenges facing humanity such as pandemics, the climate crisis, biodiversity loss, violent conflict, forced displacement, discrimination and inequality are global and cross-cutting in nature. With each passing day, they become more pressing. International collaboration and global governance need to improve significantly and become more accountable to those affected most: the world’s citizens. On the occasion of the UN’s 75th anniversary, heads of state and government committed to making global governance more inclusive. The UN Secretary-General promised to promote a new model based on full, inclusive and equal participation in global institutions. We agree. It is time to give people a stronger voice in global affairs and at the UN.


In einem offenen Brief vom August 2024, den auch das DRI unterzeichnet hat, wird weiter ausgeführt:


"At the 2024 UN Civil Society Conference on 9-10 May 2024 we identified four priority measures which enjoy considerable support from a broad range of stakeholders: 

  1. A permanent Global Citizens’ Assembly which would give ordinary citizens, selected by civic lottery to be representative of the world’s population, a say on pressing global challenges. 
  2. A World Citizens’ Initiative, which would enable people to put proposals on the agenda of the UN General Assembly if they get a certain number of signatures globally.
  3. A UN Parliamentary Assembly, which would include sitting members of national parliaments or directly elected representatives in the work of the UN and act as a watchdog that reflects a broad diversity of global viewpoints.
  4. A UN Civil Society Envoy, which would enable greater participation, spur inclusive convenings and amplify the UN’s outreach to civil society, other major stakeholders, and the public. 

On the occasion of the Summit of the Future, which is intended to mark a “new beginning in international cooperation”, we call on all UN Member States to support the implementation of these proposals as a way to fulfil their stated commitments and to rebuild trust in the multilateral system. Ahead of the 80th anniversary of the UN in 2025, we call on UN Member States to put in place an open and inclusive process for this purpose."


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